Friday, 14 September 2012

Wk 7 Project 2 Development...Where to go from project 1?

My initial thinking for project 2 is an extension of what was presented for project 1. Below is a summary of my current thoughts, however, I still need to modify my thinking to the 2020-2030 timeframe that has now been specified...

The community will be a refuge for the lonely & disenfranchised, namely the:
[note: this next bit might be too far-fetched]
The community will be based in a semi-finished & failed housing development. Population growth and sprawl in the Northern Growth Corridor as well as Council financial pressures led to the sale of the Woodfordia site by the Moreton Bay Regional Council who were antagonistic to and non-supportive of the Woodford Folk Festival organisation. [note: sale is probably not realistic ie. 50 year exclusive lease with buyback option] 

After public outcry and changes to the local government, the estate is given back to a reformed Woodford Folk Festival organisation that has been charged with the task of establishing an experimental community centred on the arts and the Woodford Folk Festival that will be a showcase for other failed housing estates around Australia (think: mcmansion estates north of Perth attached to the mining boom). 

My thinking around the new community is inspired by:

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