Car free CBDs have been a focus of architects in the past. Think Louis Kahn's 1957 car-less plan for central Philadelphia pictured above.
Firstly, why do people currently drive their cars into the CBD?
- to go to work, shopping, uni
- no public transport linkage direct to their home/work (walking distance) or the route is slow
- dislike for public transport + sharing congested space on train/bus
- cost differential between paid parking + public transport cost
- uses car as part of work
The context surrounding the car free proposition and a congestion tax is fraught...
- lack of political will - it would be seen as unpopular + a vote killer (even a car free traffic lane is controversial in qld)
- politicians would also have to fight lobbyists from industry
- loss of income for car park businesses within car free area
- increased $ in government coffers due to congestion tax which could improve + reduce the cost of public transport
- if the decline in retail continues, how could the nature of the CBD + its relationship to cars change?
- people are attached to their cars - cars historically have a social + cultural role + could be seen as a form of personal expression, especially in australia which is characterised by large distances and open spaces
- opportunity to improve the public transport experience and antisocial environments associated with public transport
- libertarian argument, it would be an impingement on freedom of choice
- move to electric vehicles where it is projected that 50% of new car sales globally will be electric by 2022
- increasingly work from home arrangements due to NBN could transform the nature of the CBD in the future
- lower ghg emmissions
- improved air quality and personal health
Future scenario...
- based on existing electric vehicle hire scheme + similar to Kahn's silos on CBD fringe - electric vehicle hire scheme with automated vehicle stacking cubes placed strategically around CBD; people use swipe cards to check in + out electric vehicles; vehicles are charged whilst in the cube; cubes are installed in new developments, replacing personal vehicle ownership
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